From the recording Covenant Child

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Ushering us into the presence of the Father, this is a call for God's people to worship the Father in spirit and in truth.


Praise the Lord; all ye people praise the Lord
Praise the Lord; declare His mighty worth
Praise the Lord; let the nations praise the Lord

His banner over us is love
Calls us from darkness into the light
Into fellowship with The Father
And His love endures forever and ever and ever and ever and ever
Praise the Lord

He’s seated on the throne; mighty is His power
He is God and God alone; beside Him there’s no other
Can you see? The cherubim and the seraphim
Declare His glory and worship Him - Our Elohim
My Soul will praise the Lord

We bow before your throne
We worship and adore You

My Soul will praise the Lord

This is a call to worship
This is a call to worship
Let all God’s people worship
Let all the nations worship